With the old traditional Cretan recipe ...
beans are ...
The phrase belongs to Pythagoras and interpreted multiple! Others claim that the philosopher kyriolektouse and recommended to abstain from legume because of its long stay in Egypt (which prohibited the consumption of soya for metaphysical and religious λόγους) κι άλλοι ισχυρίζονται ότι ο Πυθαγόρας συμβούλευε την αποχή από τα τυχερά παιχνίδια (κύαμοι στα αρχαία ελληνικά είναι και ένα είδος ζαριών).Μια τρίτη interpretation says that the call for philosophers to refrain from political issues and positions (polls done with beans). See comment a reprint from the magazine "sphinx" in 1962
What is certain is that the beans consumed in our country since ancient times, fresh- ωμά και μαγειρεμένα- και ξερά, μόνα τους ή σε μείγματα με άλλα όσπρια και καρπούς. Στα Πυανέψια, (ευχαριστήρια γιορτή όπου τιμούσαν τον Απόλλωνα επειδή βοήθησε Theseus kill the Minotaur) cooked up to make jelly, or some such and now cook dried beans.
Consumption beans should be done with care because people do not have the enzyme G-6-PD may experience kyamismo. The kyamismos is an acute hemolytic syndrome with πολύ κακές συνέπειες, που μπορεί να επιφέρει ακόμη και το θάνατο. Θυμάμαι όταν ήμουν παιδί δεν μας άφηναν οι γονείς μου να καταναλώσουμε κουκιά, ιδίως φρέσκα, γιατί θεωρούνταν ότι ο συνδυασμός τους με το γάλα και το τυρί (που σαν παιδιά καταναλώναμε ούτως ή άλλως) ήταν δηλητηριώδης. Απ’ ότι γνωρίζω η δηλητηρίαση τελικά has to do with the lack of the enzyme that nowadays detected by a simple test to all newborns!
The combined chlorokoukia well with the artichokes. I guess all over Greece cooked together these two vegetables and cooking methods are similar enough. Details each recipe a delicious change while the result but do not reduce the taste of food.
megalovdomada Since then, I cook agkinarokoukia several times with slight differences each time. In snails, plain, with dill, with fennel, lemon, vinegar. I added carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and fagaki each time we had a delicious healthy oily dish that we enjoyed with fresh bread.
The last time I made the most traditional way. With fennel, garlic and xydi.To ntelmpie the old recipe, made with lemon but with vinegar. I assure you it is worthwhile to try so.
1 medium onion
5-6 artichokes
pound fresh unripe beans
3-4 cloves garlic
A bunch of fennel (όσα κλείνονται στον κύκλο που φτιάχνουμε με τον αντίχειρα και το δείκτη!)
3/4 κούπας λάδι
1 κουταλιά σούπας αλεύρι
3-4 κουταλιές σούπας ξύδι
Επί το έργον:
Καθαρίζουμε τα μάραθα, τα πλένουμε και τα κόβουμε σε κομμάτια περίπου 5 εκατοστών. Καθαρίζουμε τα κουκιά με το μαχαίρι as beans. It strips are tender. If some are woody and do not slide the knife did not use them because they will not cook σωστά. Τα πλένουμε καλά.
Καθαρίζουμε και τις αγκινάρες όπως περιγράφω εδώ ή εδώ , και τις βάζουμε σε νερό με λεμόνι για να μη μαυρίσουν.
Saute onions lightly with oil and add the fennel and some water. When wilt and cook 10 minutes, add beans TIA, garlic and after another 10 minutes after the artichokes cut in two or four depending on their size. Season with salt.
Cook our vegetables until soft over medium-low heat with the lid. If necessary add some water.
When are ready, put in a dish of vinegar and beat into the flour. Add a bit of the pot zoumaki us and pour the mixture into the food.
Shake well to go anywhere, let them get a couple of boils, and add the eye.
When calm and the food is boiling over ready to eat, but very tasty and are at room temperature.
1) We instead of dill, fennel put in lesser quantity. But then it will add last (fennel wants multiple time remaining approximately greens and vegetables). Also dill fit more ntelmpie with lemon.
2) The food is very good and the kettle speed. Put the vegetables in the order mentioned above and close for 10-15 minutes (depending on model). The open and cook uncovered and left with little food and zoumaki do after ntelmpie us.
3) The even older version of the recipe is as follows: It put the garlic in the pot, and do not use flour. Whisk the garlic in a mortar with vinegar and pour over our food at the end when we left with the ladaki it.
I hope the blogger to let us leave traces of our visit. I have spent almost all weekend friendly blogs we went and got the only ones are:
a) to "spoil" my tongue
b) To change password on blogger
c) pissed with myself thinking ότι κάτι έχω κάνει εγώ στραβά
δ)Να πάθω ταχυπαλμία (είμαι και σε δύσκολη ηλικία...)
ε)Να καταλάβω γιατί πολλοί εγκαταλείπουν τον blogger και την κάνουν γι αλλού...
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