Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Does An Electronic Bingo Machine Look Like

Tyutoriada Intel

Telling List of Participants Tyutoriady Intel, which will be held May 13-15, 2011 in Moscow.
This program tutors Intel "Teach to the Future" from all over Russia, from Vladivostok to Petrozavodsk:

  1. Andreeva Tatiana, BOU Postgraduate Institute of Development Education of Omsk Region »
  2. Adiatullina Assia Nailovna, VPO" BSPU im.M.Akmully
  3. Nikulina Natalia, SEI ACT CO "Ekaterinburg polytechnic"
  4. Yanikova Natalia Valeriyevna, GOU DPO POIPKRO,
  5. Sukhorukov, Elena, GOU VPO "Saratov State University named after NG Chernyshevsky (FKNIIT),
  6. Victoria V. Dudko, Gobu DPO Primorye regional institute of retraining and Retraining (PKIPPKRO),
  7. Hittsova Natalia G., Irkutsk school № 57 - Network Resource Center,
  8. Gavrysh Svetlana GAU DPOS Smolensk Regional Institute of Education Development »,
  9. Tyugaeva Elena, GBOU DPO CO Institute of Education Development",
  10. Thiessen Helen Gergardovna, Center for Information Technologies in Togliatti
  11. Koreneva Oksana OGOU ACT, Angarsk Teachers College ",
  12. Natalya Yakovleva, GBOU SPO NSO "Tatar normal school"
  13. Pichugin Vitaly, Nov. DPO (PC) with the "Training Center" Balakovo municipal district of the Saratov area,
  14. Radionov Andrey, GOU VPO "Kalmyk State University»
  16. Ромас Антонина Фёдоровна, ГОАУДПО Амурский областной институт развития образования,
  17. Бирюкова Наталья Игоревна, ГБОУ DPO Sverdlovsk Oblast Institute of Education, school № 1 in Aramil Sverdlovsk region,
  18. Cetin Veronica V., GOU VPO Nizhny Tagil State Social Pedagogical Academy,
  19. Raevskaya Maria V., GOU DPO Belgorod Regional Institute of Advanced Studies and professional retraining of specialists ",
  20. Sviridov Olena. GOU VPO Voronezh State Pedagogical University,
  21. Semenova Natalia, GOU VPO "Volga State Socio-Humanitarian Academy,
  22. Kanyanina Tatiana, GOU DPO" Nizhniy Novgorod Education Development "
  23. Primakov Elena, TOGOAU DPO" IPKRO "Tambov,
  24. Ulchenko Ekaterina SGOU HPE Volgograd State педагогический университет»,
  25. Вострикова Елена Александровна МАОУ ДПО Институт повышения квалификации Новокузнецк ,
  26. Нурмухамедова Гульфина Тагировна OGOU DPO "Astrakhan Institute of Training and Retraining",
  27. Matyushkin Alexander, Karelian State Pedagogical Academy
  28. Gruzdeva Julia GBOU SPO "Sverdlovsk Regional Teacher Training College.
tutors are waiting for workshops and training courses aimed at professional growth, vivid performances of interesting people, teamwork, familiarity with new technologies and professional tools for collaboration, exchange of experience in these new formats and much more.

the preparations for the Tyutoriade eye on her page in the Annals:
http://letopisi.ru/index.php/Тьюториада_программы_Intel_Обучение_для_будущего, _may_2011


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