The food has been associated with weddings in Crete the gamopilafo . But very often the first dish on the wedding party is not rice, but pasta, such as makarounes said the oldest, cooked in beef broth with lots of cheese. Indeed we can say that it is more "expensive" because the cheese plate required for the correct serving is enough and very good quality.
spaghetti sauce in the meat habit eventually many festivities. The classic Cretan menu in celebrations at betrothed and accountability in family, friendly, formal and informal private gatherings, is to first Cretan pasta dish or Cretan pilaf and second roast with potatoes. But these dishes are often selected for the Sunday table μας.
Η κρητική μακαρονάδα δεν μοιάζει με την ιταλική. Δεν σουρώνεται και σε πολλούς -στους περισσότερους- αρέσει σερβιρισμένη με λίγο από το ζουμάκι which boiled. Natural feature delicious effect, gives the cheese. Cretan cheese, the dry and athotyros tyrozoyli (a very special tyraki unknown to those who have no connection with the island since produced mainly in homes for family use) is the cheese used for Our spaghetti.
As I said before, in Crete often boil the meat. And the broth is a good song needs to boil also have kokalakia. So even if you boil boneless beef or beef and ask the butcher to put us and no bone if we want to draw a good broth. The most delicious juice in my opinion, take it from heavy lambs. It's known love for the Cretan "ozistika" meat, ie meat of sheep. The zigouri is chroniariko lamb and she always found time to butcher us. This does not mean it is bad with beef, beef, goat, rustic chicken.
Let's see how we make the beef broth Makronas:
1,5 kg for boiled meat (heavy lambs, goats, Beef, veal, chicken)
½ pound macaroni No. 6 or finer
Cretan cheese (athotyro, cheese, tyrozouli)
at work:
Wash meat and cut into large portions. Put in a saucepan and add water to the covers in about 2 fingers. Add and a spoonful of salt and put it to boil. When it starts to foam, it turns out, the remove with a slotted spoon.
At this stage not away from our pot to remove all the froth that is created. When they boil without solid foam lower the temperature and let the meat is done completely. At this stage we can use a pressure cooker, especially if the meat is our heavy lambs, goat or beef.
Once the meat is tender to the level we like (in other like melted, others to keep a little) remove from the broth to a platter and το αλατίζουμε ελαφρά.
Περνάμε από σήτα το ζωμό να μην έχει κοκαλάκια. Εγώ κανονίζω με το μάτι πια πόσο ζωμό χρειάζομαι για μισό κιλό μακαρόνια. But this time to write the prescription filled and counted the water to have eleven cups of liquid (we prefer the juicy). It may be less.
Pour the boiling broth, fix a little salt (depending on how salty the cheese to be used) and add spaghetti. Allow to cook as the package says tous.Polloi want it a little more cooked. But we must not lasposoun ...
kits with enough zoumaki! |
accompanying the meat.
1) obviously to be this very delicious simple food wants top quality materials. The meat boiled in plain water be delicious to be good from animal grazing ...
2) Many times in the cooking of meat, add a tomato, especially if the meat is πολύ λιπαρό που την σουρώνουμε κι αυτή και δεν μένει στο ζωμό.
3)Είναι σημαντικό να αφαιρέσουμε τον αφρό για να μη γίνει σκούρος ο ζωμός μας και να είναι διαυγής.
4) Many burn with stakovoutyro and pasta, such as rice . It is rather an exaggeration if we are good meat and cheese is intense flavor.
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