locavores The word proclaimed in 2007, word came of the year and formally Oxforde American Dictionary
This refers in particular the very interesting article of k.Apostolaki in «Cretan Culinary Network»
The word translated as "topofagoi", ie people consuming mainly or exclusively the products produced by the region. The "topofagia, if correct expression for the property that characterizes "Topofagous" is one of the key features of a traditional Cretan diet.
soon came also interesting article by Mr. Alexander in Gioti Gastronomos Kathimerini (15-5-2011)-which incidentally is a tribute to the Greek cuisine summer-describing the most beautiful way the importance of seasonality in the diet both our health and the environment. If you see the issue pages 44-47. You will find interesting answers to the question "What is modern diet? Anyway I guess it will be posted in a few days on the website του περιοδικού.
Και τα δυο λοιπόν αυτά χαρακτηριστικά έχει η σημερινή μου λιχουδιά. Και ένα ακόμη: απλότητα !
2 tablespoons for each egg stack
pinch of salt (because the stack is salty)
Freshly ground pepper (optional)
Olive or stakovoutyro (if ...)
at work:
first way
Tiganakia put in the stack and stir over medium heat to give off some butter. Then we break the egg and spoon and a little salt over the egg. The drizzle with butter that has arisen, to obtain a white membrane over the egg and thickens the aspradi.En necessary, cover them to obtain the membrane with the help of steam to be created.
can in the manufacture of stack have removed all the butter.
Then add some stakovoutyro oil or just put it in when Tiganakia and continue as above.
second way
sprinkle with freshly ground pepper and accompany with boiled seasonal vegetables or green salad
1) The stack is now at all stores that sell Cretan products and kept for several days in the refrigerator. Besides eggs, oily relish, pies and hot over toasted bread or ntako.Akomi though the chip is scarce, stack, you can find.
2) I prefer the first way because the stack is the most delicious warm, in my opinion.
3) The egg must be versatile. It is unique combination of a stack of egg and bread!
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