Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kelty Ridgeway Tent Manual

Construction contracts


. Online Legal Reference

Contracts in connection with the implementation of investment (Basic Agreement related to the preparation and implementation of the investment process, the basic scope of the regulation)


  1. for construction works,
  2. of design work.
  3. general contractor investment,
  4. subcontracting,
  5. of supervision,
  6. um. developer.

    Ad. 1 contract works - Art. 647 et seq. kc

  • Commitments artists - putting the object specified in the contract, made in accordance with the principles of design and technical expertise, and commitment of the investor - and making required by the relevant provisions of the activities related to the preparation works, in particular the transfer of the site and provide project and to receive the project and pay the agreed remuneration,
  • features - consensual, mutual consideration and should be recognized by a letter, if in doubt, deemed to be, that the contractor has taken all the works covered as part of the contract, the acquisition protocol from the investor of the construction site, the contractor will be held until the responsibility of putting an object on general principles for damage caused in the area.

    Ad. 2. Contract for design work

  • liabilities of the design (architect, project office which is a legal person) - the execution of work provided for in the contract as specified by the customer, technical standards for design and other applicable regulations and the rules and achievements of modern technical knowledge, client commitment (for an investor or a general contractor - the receipt and payment of remuneration
  • features: unnamed, has the elements essential contract work, apply to the appropriate provisions of the Civil Code in with regard to the specificity of the investment process, particularly those pr . construction

    Ad. 3 General Contracting investments

  • works contract extended to
    as general contractor to coordinate and organize work worksite
  • Article. 647 a § 1 of the Civil Code - in the contract for construction works shall determine the scope of work that the contractor will perform in person or through subcontractors.
  • by the contractor to enter into construction contracts with the subcontractor required the consent of the investor - the investor no objection in writing within 14 days - an acceptance of contract
  • to conclude an agreement by a subcontractor of a subcontractor further consent is required investm. and g.

    Ad. 4. Subcontracts

  • concluded by the General contractor with subcontractors,
  • if their object the execution of a part of the investment which is not entirely separate works, or a specialty (eg, electrical works, sanitary facilities, etc.) then this agreement is a contract for work,
  • If the ordered execution of a subcontractor under the investment performance of its giving to extract parts (eg, one entire building complex which is part of a larger development), then that contract is a contract for construction works

    Ad. 5. Contract for construction supervision - is not in kc stypizowana

  • contractor's obligation to deliver the service - to carry out checks and monitoring the construction process - an obligation of due diligence, it is usually a contract for consideration

    Ad. 6. Agreement for replacement investment

  • project supervisor agrees with the direct investor to make the current operations. or services which are not subject to contract work or other standard contract provided for in the Civil Code, in the preparation and organization of the investment process, to ensure its sound course and conduct of investment accounts,
  • substitute investor - depending on the terms of the contract - can perform all or only some of the duties of the investor directly,
  • are two basic types of contracts: contract type and contract pełnomocnicza Trust ( representative)

    Ad. 7. Contract developer

  • main features: a charge, binding on both sides, mutual, consensual, causal,
  • result is an agreement, in practice it is mixed agreement covering some of the features of a contract for services, construction and sale agreement,
  • concluded that the legal basis for the conclusion of these contracts are the provisions of the Act on ownership of property, according to separate ownership of the premises which may arise in the implementation of the agreement regarding the owner of the land to build on this ground and establish a home (after construction) separate ownership and transfer of the pr. the other party or another person designated in the contract.

    See. Construction Law

    See. Forums

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