Thursday, June 18, 2009

Duaas For Stromach Pains

Members of the construction process

See. Online Legal Reference


Members of the construction process:

  • investor
  • supervisor investor,
  • designer
  • site manager or foreman.

    can not combine the functions of the investor's supervision inspector and construction manager.

    INVESTOR (Article 18 bp)

    initiator of the construction process. He must have Tit. legal right to use the property for building purposes.

    = obligation to organize the construction process, including while. Health and Safety (BioZ), and in particular to ensure:

  1. develop a construction project,
  2. include construction management by the construction manager (foreman),
  3. develop BioZ,
  4. execution and acceptance of works where justified by a high degree of complexity of the work or ground conditions,
  5. supervising construction work by the person with the appropriate professional.

    investor can:

  6. made inspector of the investor (pursuant to Art. 19 1 pb in the competent authority may, dec. Pnb impose on the investor to establish an inspector of project supervision, and the obligation to ensure the author's supervision where justified by a high degree of complexity of the work or works or the expected impact on environment).
  7. require the designer to supervise copyright.

    SUPERVISOR project supervision (Articles 25, 26)

    appointed by the investor on his own initiative, or in the implementation of the obligation imposed in dec. by pnb.


  8. investor representation on the site through the exercise of its compliance monitoring of the project, building permit and the rules of technical knowledge;
  9. checking the quality of our work and products wbudowywanych budowlanych;
  10. sprawdzanie i odbiór robót ulegających zakryciu lub zanikających, uczestniczenie w próbach i odbiorach technicznych instalacji, urządzeń technicznych i przewodów kominowych oraz przygotowywanie i udział w odbiorze gotowych obiektów budowlanych i przekazywanie ich do użytkowania;
  11. potwierdzanie faktycznie wykonanych robót oraz usunięcia wad, a także, na żądanie inwestora, kontrolowanie rozliczeń budowy.

    Inspektor ma prawo (art. 26) :

  12. wydawać kierownikowi budowy lub kierownikowi robót polecenia, potwierdzone wpisem do dziennika budowy dot.: usunięcia nieprawidłowości lub zagrożeń, wykonania prób lub badań, także wymagających odkrycia robót lub elementów zakrytych oraz przedstawienie ekspertyz dotyczących prowadzonych robót budowlanych i dowodów dopuszczenia do stosowania w budownictwie wyrobów budowlanych oraz urządzeń technicznych,
  13. żądać od kierownika budowy poprawek bądź ponownego wykonania wadliwie wykonanych robót, a także wstrzymania dalszych robót budowlanych gdyby ich kontynuacja mogła wywołać zagrożenia bądź niedopuszczalnej niezgodności z design or construction permit.

    DESIGNER (Art. 20)


  14. development project under construction: findings dec. the zoning and land use, dec. on environmental conditions of approval for the project, the requirements of the Act, regulations and rules of technical knowledge;
  15. provide, if necessary, participate in the drafting of persons with special permission to design the appropriate specialties and mutual technical co-ordination carried out by these persons of studies design zapewniające uwzględnienie zawartych w przepisach zasad bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia w procesie budowy, z uwzględnieniem specyfiki projektowanego obiektu budowlanego;
  16. sporządzenie informacji dotyczącej bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia (BIOZ);
  17. uzyskanie wymaganych opinii, uzgodnień i sprawdzeń rozwiązań projektowych;
  18. wyjaśnianie wątpliwości dot. projektu i zawartych w nim rozwiązań;
  19. sprawowanie nadzoru autorskiego na żądanie inwestora lub właściwego organu w zakresie:
  20. establish in the course of construction compliance of the implementation of the project,
  21. agreeing the introduction of alternative solutions to those provided in the project, reported by the inspector, construction manager or project supervision.

    designer is required to provide verification of architectural and building design for compliance with regulations, including technical and construction, by a person with special powers to design without restriction in the relevant specialty or building surveyor. This obligation does not apply to:

    1) range subject to checking and opinions on the basis of specific provisions;

    2) projects of buildings of simple design, such as single-family residential buildings, small farm buildings, stables and warehouses.

    designer has the right during the construction:

  • entry to the building and
  • make entries in the log construction,
  • request entry to halt the construction of log construction in the case: the possibility of of danger or making them incompatible with the project.



  1. BioZ plan drawn up or ensuring completion before the start of construction, based on the information designer for the safety and health,
  2. protocol acquisition from the investor and securing the site;
  3. keeping a journal of construction or demolition);
  4. providing surveying and demarcation of the facility to organize the construction and construction management in a manner consistent with the design and the construction permit,
  5. suspension of works if there is a possibility of danger and immediate notification to the competent authority;
  6. investor notice of entry in the log regarding suspension of construction works do not comply with the project;
  7. implementation of the recommendations listed in the log construction;
  8. investor to verify the reporting or collection of works subject to covering or fading, and ensuring the completion of tests required by the regulations and checks the installation, technical equipment and chimney prior to filing a building for the reception;
  9. project documentations;
  10. notification of a work to receive the appropriate entry in the log building and participating in activities ensuring the receipt and remedy the defects;
  11. placement bulletin board announcement containing information on occupational safety and health (not applicable to the construction of facilities for national defense and security, and linear objects),

    Leader construction is entitled to:

  12. of the investor for changes in design solutions, if they are justified by the need to increase security or the execution of works to improve the construction process,
  13. comment in the log construction of the recommendations contained therein.

    accordingly, the provisions regarding the construction manager.

    See. Construction Law

    See. Forums

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