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Analiza treści internetowych

In content appearing ll the Internet can be broadly classified and analyzed to study the issue, product, events, etc.

In the first stage are set a password key (and modifications thereof) corresponding to the object of study . Then the tool is included to collect information on websites where there are key terms you choose. We constantly run off the pages created over the past few days. Regularly there are also about the older pages.

data that flow down concern publications available for search engines. You can also manually collect data about the pages inaccessible to search engines such as from closed to people not logged in newsgroups.

data to be collected are grouped by type of information:

place Publication: data on sites where the test information is given for example the contribution of individual sites in the published content of the test subject (broken down into sub-categories), number of visits, number of hits , the number of users, the page rank the various sites.

publication type: on the Internet are materials of various types. This can be for

- blog entries, news portals, forums, specialized forums, discussion groups on social networking sites or on miniblogach.

- articles and press releases (published on his own or on other sites such as industry)

- comments to blogs or articles

- notice, this product offers , auctions, buy / sell, advertise jobs

publication content: data on the subject taken in the Internet-related topics to study the issue. What should appear? What Internet users are discussing moving the matter? What are the problems and provide solutions that would like to see? What associations are invoked on the test subject?

data content of the publication are subject to qualitative analysis. In the first stage of the individual subjects are grouped in general categories, then assign an additional sub-categories Theme. Subsequently, some topics are selected and themes that distinguished the theme of movement frequency, intensity of emotional content authors, or usefulness of information (such as threads, which suggests to Internet users how to resolve the problem).

information on particular topics are being developed in the form of review. Each topic includes a description of the essence of information.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Secretário Autocad 2004

Completion of the Challenge to a decision


. Online Legal Reference

putting to use the work on the basis of a notice of completion of construction (admissibility, terms, conditions, obligations of the investor)

The accession to the usage may be:

  • Notice completion of construction + no objection.
  • Permission to use.

    Accession to use on the basis of the notification, you can:

  1. is not required to obtain permission to use,
  2. after informing the competent authority at least 21 days before the scheduled start. Lack of authority to object within 21 days - you are ready to use.

    The notification investor is required to join:

    1) the original log structure;

    2) statement of a construction manager:

  • of conformity of a building with the building design and conditions of planning permission and regulations,
  • on reaching a satisfactory state and order the construction site, and - if use - road, street, adjacent properties, building or premises;

    3) a statement of the relevant adjacent land use, if the operation constructed facility is dependent on adequate development;

    4) records of tests and inspections;

    5) an inventory of as-built surveying;

    6) confirm, in accordance with separate regulations, receiving terminals made,

    7) copies of the drawings included in the approved construction project, with marked changes, if necessary, the supplementary description - if nieodstępujących change significantly from the approved design or conditions of a building permit, made while performing works to the notice

    8) a statement of no objection from the PIP, the State Fire Service, Environmental Protection Inspection, Sanitary Inspection,

    In addition, the investor is obliged to submit the owner or manager of any documentation: construction, as well as regarding the actual status of the object.

    Use without notice = competent authority shall impose the penalty for illegal use of a building.

    After the proceedings on a notice of completion of the work or the authorization to use, the competent authority shall promptly investor documents: the original log structure, as-built surveying the inventory and records of tests and inspections.

    See. Construction Law

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. Online Legal Reference


Authority will not release dec. within 65 days =
500 zł penalty for each day of delay (requires a higher degree of authority in the form of a resolution which is subject to appeal).

Challenging dec.:

  • appeal to the authority of the second
    lodged through authority that issued dec., within 14 days of service dec. page.
  • WSA Action for the dec. body II (within 30 days through the authority which issued dec.)
  • Action appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court must be filed with the court which issued the contested sentence / or order /, within 30 days from the receipt of a copy of the page decision and the reasons the law the right to proceedings before administrative courts).

    body and crushing it is:

  • Starosta,
  • Governor in spring. listed in the Act, for example, public roads of national and provincial investment in the railway area.

    crushing body II is:

  • Governor for mayor.
  • Chief Inspector of Building Supervision for governor.

    Appeals granted =
    page proceedings in spring. release dec. building permit :

  • investor
  • owners, users perpetual or managers of the properties in the area of \u200b\u200bimpact of the facility.

    impact area of \u200b\u200bthe work = determined on the basis of the provisions implementing the object associated with land use restrictions in that area (on the distance from other buildings and property boundaries).

    In case of complaint to suspend execution of the WSA dec. at the request of the complainant, the court may make the submission by the applicant for a security deposit claims investor because of the suspension of a dec. (Article 35a paragraph. 1 bp).

    provision of Article. Paragraph 28. 2 bp is lex specialis in relation to Art. 28 kpa. Provision of art. 1931 CAP, the prevalence of social organization as a party, does not apply in proceedings for a building permit

    See. Construction Law

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Pausing works

See. Online Legal Reference


Supervisors Building:

  1. county building inspector ,
  2. governor by the regional construction supervisor,
  3. Chief Inspector Bud .

    demolition order (a form of dec.) If :

  • facility built without permission or without the required notification or in spite of opposition:
  • is inconsistent with local zoning plan either dec. the zoning if there is no zoning plan,
  • violates the provisions to the extent that the restoration of the lawful.
  • failure to pay fees legalization,
  • not fulfill its obligations within the time limit in order to halt the works,
  • works are carried out despite the suspension of their execution.

    Suspension of works: (a form of order)

  1. building without permission or without the required notification or even Opposition:
  • is consistent with the local plan or with dec. the zoning if there is no plan,
  • without prejudice to the extent that the restoration of the lawful.
  1. works may cause a security risk or loss of property or a threat to the environment.
  2. works conducted on the basis of an application in contravention of Article. Paragraph 30. 1.
  3. works significantly deviate from the terms and conditions specified in the permit or in the rules

    Order to suspend expires
    after 2 months of notification of , unless within that period will be issued dec. ordering:

  • cessation of further work,
  • demolition,
  • bring to their previous state.

    Order to halt construction:

  • indicates the cause of suspension works
  • determine the necessary requirements for security,
  • obow imposes on the investor. submit within 30 days
  • mayor certificate of compliance with building or zoning plan, dec. the zoning and land development, in the absence of a plan,
  • application for approval of building design and permit the resumption of construction, if construction was not completed.
  • project plot or land development.
  • can be imposed obligation to provide an inventory of the works or the relevant expertise or technical assessments.

    Verification Fee (order) :

    When construction is completed construction supervision issue a decision, which requires the investor to submit, within 30 days

  1. certificate mayor, city mayor or president of compliance of construction with the findings of the current zoning plan, or final, on the opening proceedings, dec. on building and land development in the absence of any applicable zoning plan,
  2. documents referred to in Article. Paragraph 30. 2 pb, Art. Paragraph 30. 2 and 3 basis points, or Article. Paragraph 30. 2 and 4 bp,
  3. project plot or land development.

    Performance above. = obligations entitles the authority to determine the amount of the fee legalization.

    Failure to comply with the above. duties = authority shall order the demolition object.

    not pay the fee within the legalization = authority shall order the demolition of the object .

    Other dec. construction supervisor:

  4. imposing the obligation to execute certain activities or works to bring into compliance with the law.
  5. imposing a duty to prepare and submit a replacement building project, including changes resulting from the work done thus far and If necessary, carry out specific tasks or work performed in order to bring the works into compliance with the law (Article 51 paragraph. 1 point 3 bp).

    body checks (Article 51 paragraph. 3 bp) with the obligation referred to in section 2, clause 1 of that Article. and - for its implementation - seems dec. :

  • a statement of the obligation or
  • if failure to follow the authority requires the abandonment of construction or demolition of the building or part thereof, or to bring an object to a previous state.

    body checks (Article 51, paragraph. 4 and 5 bp) with the obligation referred to in section 3, paragraph. 1 of that Article. and - for its implementation - seems dec.:

  • on the approval of building design and permit the resumption of construction work or
  • if the construction was completed dec. construction project has been approved replacement
  • if failure to follow the authority requires the abandonment of construction or demolition of the building or part thereof, or to bring an object to a previous state.

    See . Construction Law

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Obtaining a building permit

See. Online Legal Reference

obtain a building permit (ELIGIBLE ENTITIES, CONTENTS OF THE DECISION, be challenged)

building permit = dec. administration, authorizing the initiation and conduct the construction or carrying out other works. As a rule, works can start only on the basis of the final dec. by pnb (unless the law provides for the submission, or do not be subject to authorization or notification).


    Pages: investors and owners, users or managers Solemnly properties in the area of \u200b\u200bimpact of the facility.

    may be issued only to those who :

  • by
    statement about your smoking. to dispose of the property for construction purposes under penalty of criminal odp and
  • by application for pnb within the validity period dec. of war. Zabud. and zagosp. site (if required) and
  • has commenced construction work in breach of the obligation to obtain a permit.

    important departure from the approved pnb requires dec. pnb to change.

    Transfer dec. = consent of the party on whose behalf was released dec. by pnb, the authority that issued it is obliged to transfer its to another party if it accepts all the conditions contained in this dec. and makes a statement about the right to use the property for building purposes. Parties in this proceeding Only subjects between which the transfer is to be made dec ..

    Dec. building permit expires
    = if construction has not been commenced or interrupted pow. two years.

    When authority fails to give dec. within 65 days = higher body shall impose the penalty of his 500 zł for each day of delay.

    body and crushing it is:

  • Starosta,
  • Governor in spring. listed in the Act, for example, public roads of national and provincial investment in the railway area.

    crushing body II is:

  • Governor for mayor.
  • Chief Inspector of Building Supervision for governor.

    on dec. authority of the second crushing can bring a complaint to the DAC , and then - possibly - an appeal before the Supreme Administrative Court (Law on the Proceedings before the administrative courts).

    See. Construction Law


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Construction contracts


. Online Legal Reference

Contracts in connection with the implementation of investment (Basic Agreement related to the preparation and implementation of the investment process, the basic scope of the regulation)


  1. for construction works,
  2. of design work.
  3. general contractor investment,
  4. subcontracting,
  5. of supervision,
  6. um. developer.

    Ad. 1 contract works - Art. 647 et seq. kc

  • Commitments artists - putting the object specified in the contract, made in accordance with the principles of design and technical expertise, and commitment of the investor - and making required by the relevant provisions of the activities related to the preparation works, in particular the transfer of the site and provide project and to receive the project and pay the agreed remuneration,
  • features - consensual, mutual consideration and should be recognized by a letter, if in doubt, deemed to be, that the contractor has taken all the works covered as part of the contract, the acquisition protocol from the investor of the construction site, the contractor will be held until the responsibility of putting an object on general principles for damage caused in the area.

    Ad. 2. Contract for design work

  • liabilities of the design (architect, project office which is a legal person) - the execution of work provided for in the contract as specified by the customer, technical standards for design and other applicable regulations and the rules and achievements of modern technical knowledge, client commitment (for an investor or a general contractor - the receipt and payment of remuneration
  • features: unnamed, has the elements essential contract work, apply to the appropriate provisions of the Civil Code in with regard to the specificity of the investment process, particularly those pr . construction

    Ad. 3 General Contracting investments

  • works contract extended to
    as general contractor to coordinate and organize work worksite
  • Article. 647 a § 1 of the Civil Code - in the contract for construction works shall determine the scope of work that the contractor will perform in person or through subcontractors.
  • by the contractor to enter into construction contracts with the subcontractor required the consent of the investor - the investor no objection in writing within 14 days - an acceptance of contract
  • to conclude an agreement by a subcontractor of a subcontractor further consent is required investm. and g.

    Ad. 4. Subcontracts

  • concluded by the General contractor with subcontractors,
  • if their object the execution of a part of the investment which is not entirely separate works, or a specialty (eg, electrical works, sanitary facilities, etc.) then this agreement is a contract for work,
  • If the ordered execution of a subcontractor under the investment performance of its giving to extract parts (eg, one entire building complex which is part of a larger development), then that contract is a contract for construction works

    Ad. 5. Contract for construction supervision - is not in kc stypizowana

  • contractor's obligation to deliver the service - to carry out checks and monitoring the construction process - an obligation of due diligence, it is usually a contract for consideration

    Ad. 6. Agreement for replacement investment

  • project supervisor agrees with the direct investor to make the current operations. or services which are not subject to contract work or other standard contract provided for in the Civil Code, in the preparation and organization of the investment process, to ensure its sound course and conduct of investment accounts,
  • substitute investor - depending on the terms of the contract - can perform all or only some of the duties of the investor directly,
  • are two basic types of contracts: contract type and contract pełnomocnicza Trust ( representative)

    Ad. 7. Contract developer

  • main features: a charge, binding on both sides, mutual, consensual, causal,
  • result is an agreement, in practice it is mixed agreement covering some of the features of a contract for services, construction and sale agreement,
  • concluded that the legal basis for the conclusion of these contracts are the provisions of the Act on ownership of property, according to separate ownership of the premises which may arise in the implementation of the agreement regarding the owner of the land to build on this ground and establish a home (after construction) separate ownership and transfer of the pr. the other party or another person designated in the contract.

    See. Construction Law

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Members of the construction process

See. Online Legal Reference


Members of the construction process:

  • investor
  • supervisor investor,
  • designer
  • site manager or foreman.

    can not combine the functions of the investor's supervision inspector and construction manager.

    INVESTOR (Article 18 bp)

    initiator of the construction process. He must have Tit. legal right to use the property for building purposes.

    = obligation to organize the construction process, including while. Health and Safety (BioZ), and in particular to ensure:

  1. develop a construction project,
  2. include construction management by the construction manager (foreman),
  3. develop BioZ,
  4. execution and acceptance of works where justified by a high degree of complexity of the work or ground conditions,
  5. supervising construction work by the person with the appropriate professional.

    investor can:

  6. made inspector of the investor (pursuant to Art. 19 1 pb in the competent authority may, dec. Pnb impose on the investor to establish an inspector of project supervision, and the obligation to ensure the author's supervision where justified by a high degree of complexity of the work or works or the expected impact on environment).
  7. require the designer to supervise copyright.

    SUPERVISOR project supervision (Articles 25, 26)

    appointed by the investor on his own initiative, or in the implementation of the obligation imposed in dec. by pnb.


  8. investor representation on the site through the exercise of its compliance monitoring of the project, building permit and the rules of technical knowledge;
  9. checking the quality of our work and products wbudowywanych budowlanych;
  10. sprawdzanie i odbiór robót ulegających zakryciu lub zanikających, uczestniczenie w próbach i odbiorach technicznych instalacji, urządzeń technicznych i przewodów kominowych oraz przygotowywanie i udział w odbiorze gotowych obiektów budowlanych i przekazywanie ich do użytkowania;
  11. potwierdzanie faktycznie wykonanych robót oraz usunięcia wad, a także, na żądanie inwestora, kontrolowanie rozliczeń budowy.

    Inspektor ma prawo (art. 26) :

  12. wydawać kierownikowi budowy lub kierownikowi robót polecenia, potwierdzone wpisem do dziennika budowy dot.: usunięcia nieprawidłowości lub zagrożeń, wykonania prób lub badań, także wymagających odkrycia robót lub elementów zakrytych oraz przedstawienie ekspertyz dotyczących prowadzonych robót budowlanych i dowodów dopuszczenia do stosowania w budownictwie wyrobów budowlanych oraz urządzeń technicznych,
  13. żądać od kierownika budowy poprawek bądź ponownego wykonania wadliwie wykonanych robót, a także wstrzymania dalszych robót budowlanych gdyby ich kontynuacja mogła wywołać zagrożenia bądź niedopuszczalnej niezgodności z design or construction permit.

    DESIGNER (Art. 20)


  14. development project under construction: findings dec. the zoning and land use, dec. on environmental conditions of approval for the project, the requirements of the Act, regulations and rules of technical knowledge;
  15. provide, if necessary, participate in the drafting of persons with special permission to design the appropriate specialties and mutual technical co-ordination carried out by these persons of studies design zapewniające uwzględnienie zawartych w przepisach zasad bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia w procesie budowy, z uwzględnieniem specyfiki projektowanego obiektu budowlanego;
  16. sporządzenie informacji dotyczącej bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia (BIOZ);
  17. uzyskanie wymaganych opinii, uzgodnień i sprawdzeń rozwiązań projektowych;
  18. wyjaśnianie wątpliwości dot. projektu i zawartych w nim rozwiązań;
  19. sprawowanie nadzoru autorskiego na żądanie inwestora lub właściwego organu w zakresie:
  20. establish in the course of construction compliance of the implementation of the project,
  21. agreeing the introduction of alternative solutions to those provided in the project, reported by the inspector, construction manager or project supervision.

    designer is required to provide verification of architectural and building design for compliance with regulations, including technical and construction, by a person with special powers to design without restriction in the relevant specialty or building surveyor. This obligation does not apply to:

    1) range subject to checking and opinions on the basis of specific provisions;

    2) projects of buildings of simple design, such as single-family residential buildings, small farm buildings, stables and warehouses.

    designer has the right during the construction:

  • entry to the building and
  • make entries in the log construction,
  • request entry to halt the construction of log construction in the case: the possibility of of danger or making them incompatible with the project.



  1. BioZ plan drawn up or ensuring completion before the start of construction, based on the information designer for the safety and health,
  2. protocol acquisition from the investor and securing the site;
  3. keeping a journal of construction or demolition);
  4. providing surveying and demarcation of the facility to organize the construction and construction management in a manner consistent with the design and the construction permit,
  5. suspension of works if there is a possibility of danger and immediate notification to the competent authority;
  6. investor notice of entry in the log regarding suspension of construction works do not comply with the project;
  7. implementation of the recommendations listed in the log construction;
  8. investor to verify the reporting or collection of works subject to covering or fading, and ensuring the completion of tests required by the regulations and checks the installation, technical equipment and chimney prior to filing a building for the reception;
  9. project documentations;
  10. notification of a work to receive the appropriate entry in the log building and participating in activities ensuring the receipt and remedy the defects;
  11. placement bulletin board announcement containing information on occupational safety and health (not applicable to the construction of facilities for national defense and security, and linear objects),

    Leader construction is entitled to:

  12. of the investor for changes in design solutions, if they are justified by the need to increase security or the execution of works to improve the construction process,
  13. comment in the log construction of the recommendations contained therein.

    accordingly, the provisions regarding the construction manager.

    See. Construction Law

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Construction lawlessness

See. Online Legal Reference

The consequences of taking works without a building permit (qualification illegal building, types odp)

Construction lawlessness = start construction before obtaining a final dec. building permit.


  1. demolition order,
  2. suspension of construction works (the imposition of specific duties),
  3. legalization for the levy,
  4. + criminal = odp fine, restriction of liberty or imprisonment up to 2 years

    Determination legalization fees :

    competent authority, prior to dec. on the approval of building design and grant permission to resume construction work, examine:

  5. project complies plot or land development of regulations on spatial planning and development, particularly with the findings of the current zoning plan,
  6. complete building design and have required reviews, approvals, licenses and checks
  7. construction project execution by a person qualified construction

    and, by order, fixes the legalization fees.

    If you meet the requirements set out in paragraph 1) - 3), the competent authority shall issue dec.:

    1) to approve the construction project and permit the resumption of work;

    2) to approve the construction project, if the construction was completed;

    and imposes dec. to obtain dec. permit for use.

    In the case of infringements, in the range specified in paragraph 1) - 3), the competent authority imposes a duty to order removal of irregularities, within a specified period, and upon its expiry, it seems dec., Which requires the demolition of a building, or parts, under construction or built without the required building permit. This decision also appears for non-payment within a period of legalization fees. For the legalization fees, the provisions regarding the penalties referred to in Article. 59F, paragraph 1, except that the fee rate is subject to pięćdziesięciokrotnemu increase, which is charged Verification is determined by the following formula: rate of tax (500 zł) x factor category of the work (according to the Annex to the pb) x coefficient of the size of the object (according to the Annex to the pb) x 50.

    Verification fee is also determined for the illegal construction of the facility or its parts without the required declaration, or in spite of opposition by the competent authority (art.49b paragraph 5 bp)

    EXAMPLE 4 Liability:

  • Article. 90 basis points - one who, in the cases referred to Article century. 48, Art. Article 49b. Paragraph 50. 1, point 1, or Article. 1950 1 point 2 performs works (building or build a building or part thereof without the required building permit or without declaration or, despite the opposition of the competent authority or perform construction work other than building without permission, despite the opposition of the application or competent authority) subject to a fine , restriction of liberty or imprisonment for 2 years,
  • Article. 3 bp 93 points - who makes demolition a building or part thereof in violation of the provisions cited above. Article. 28 (and thus for example making the demolition, which was necessary to obtain a license), or Article. 31 paragraph. 2 (an application) is punishable by a fine .

    See. Construction Law

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Zob. Internetowy Informator Prawny

Pozwolenie na użytkowanie obiektu budowlanego (wymóg uzyskania, terminy, tryb postępowania, obowiązki inwestora)

Podstawą przystąpienia do użytkowania może być:

  • Notice of completion of construction + no objection.
  • Permission to use.

    The authorization is required if :

  • Such an obligation under the regulations, for example, sport and recreation facilities, buildings, culture, science and education, religious buildings, health buildings, administration buildings auctions, stations, storage yards, parking facilities, water, road and rail bridges,
  • Such an obligation is clear from dec. o:
  • approval and authorization of the construction project to resume works
  • approved the construction project (if the construction was completed),
  • accession into operation before the completion of all construction works.

    Completion of construction and intention to use the investor shall:

  • State Sanitary Inspectorate,
  • National Labour Inspectorate,
  • National Fire Service

    They occupy the position in the spring. compliance wykonania obiektu budowlanego z projektem.

    Niezajęcie stanowiska w terminie 14 dni = brak sprzeciwu lub uwag.

    Wniosek o udzielenie pozwolenia na użytkowanie =
    wezwanie organu do przeprowadzenia obowiązkowej kontroli budowy w celu stwierdzenia prowadzenia jej zgodnie z ustaleniami i warunkami określonymi w pozwoleniu na budowę.

    Termin kontroli =
    przed upływem 21 dni od dnia doręczenia wezwania inwestora, zawiadamiając go o tej kontroli w terminie 7 dni od dnia dołączenia wezwania.

    control includes checking:

  • compliance with the design a building plot or land development;
  • compliance with a building project architectural and construction ;
  • construction products particularly relevant to construction safety and fire safety;
  • where there is overlap in the building permit requirement demolition of existing buildings not intended for further use or temporary building - the implementation of this obligation, if the demolition deadline specified in the permit;
  • ordering the construction site.

    Control may conduct, under the authority of the competent supervisory authority building, only a person employed in that body, and having special powers.

    with checks drawn protocol.

    finding irregularities = penalty + dec. to refuse to issue a permit.

    The request for authorization investor joined:

  1. original log construction;
  2. statement construction manager:
  • of conformity of a building with the building design and conditions of the building permit and regulations,
  • on reaching a satisfactory condition and order the construction site, and - in case of use - roads, streets, neighboring property, building or premises;
  1. statement on appropriate development of adjacent land, if the operation constructed facility is dependent on adequate development;
  2. test protocols and verification;
  3. as-built surveying inventory;
  4. confirmation in accordance with separate regulations, receiving terminals made.
  5. declaration of no objection or comment from the authorities of the State Sanitary Inspection, National Labour Inspectorate, the State Fire Service;

    Use without permission = penalty for illegal use.

    Notice of completion of construction

    If no permission is required to use enough:

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use permit building permit building

See. Online Legal Reference

obtain a building permit (ELIGIBLE ENTITIES, CONTENTS OF THE DECISION, be challenged)

building permit = dec. administration, authorizing the initiation and conduct the construction or carrying out other works. As a rule, works can start only on the basis of the final dec. by pnb (unless the law provides for the submission, or do not be subject to authorization or notification).


    Pages: investors and owners, users perpetual or managers of the properties in the area of \u200b\u200bimpact of the facility.

    May be issued only to those who :

  • by statement
    about your smoking. to dispose of the property for construction purposes under penalty of criminal odp and
  • by application for pnb within the validity period dec. of war. Zabud. and zagosp. site (if required) and
  • has commenced construction work in breach of the obligation to obtain a permit.

    important departure from the approved pnb requires dec. pnb to change.

    Transfer dec. = consent of the party on whose behalf was released dec. by pnb, the authority that issued it is obliged to transfer its to another party if it accepts all the conditions contained in this dec. and makes a statement about the right to use the property for building purposes. Parties in this case are only entities between which the transfer is to be made dec ..

    Dec. building permit expires
    = if the construction was not started or interrupted pow. two years.

    When authority fails to give dec. within 65 days = higher body shall impose the penalty of his 500 zł for each day of delay.

    body and crushing it is:

  • Starosta,
  • Governor in spring. listed in the Act, for example, public roads of national and provincial investment in the railway area.

    crushing body II is:

  • Governor for mayor.
  • Główny Inspektor Nadzoru Budowlanego dla wojewody.

    Na dec. organu II inst. można wnieść skargę do WSA , a potem – ewentualnie – skargę kasacyjną do NSA (ustawa prawo o postępowaniu przed sądami administracyjnymi).

    Zob. Prawo Budowlane

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businesses liable for the proper maintenance of the facility and responsibilities in this area

Entities required for the proper maintenance of buildings is:

  • owner
  • facility manager

    General Duties:

  • maintenance and use of the building in accordance with its purpose and requirements of environmental protection
  • maintenance building in good technical and aesthetic, to prevent excessive deterioration of its performance and technical efficiency

    Specific obligations:

  • ob. conducting periodic inspections - annually - by inspection of technical condition :
  1. elements are exposed to adverse weather and (N / A single-family homes),
  2. plant and equipment to protect the environment,
  3. gas installations and flues (smoke, exhaust and ventilation)
  • ob. conducting periodic inspections - at least once every 5 years - by inspection of technical condition and suitability for the use of a building, the aesthetics of the work and its environment, this control should be included in the study of electrical and piorunochronnej the efficiency of connections, hardware, security, and measures to protect against electrical shock, insulation resistance and earthing conductors installations and apparatus.

    The above checks should be made by:

  • people with special powers in an appropriate specialty,
  • holders kwalifikacje wymagane przy wykonywaniu dozoru nad eksploatacją urządzeń, instalacji oraz sieci energetycznych i gazowych,
  • osoby posiadające kwalifikacje mistrza w rzemiośle kominiarskim.
  • ob. przechowywania przez okres istnienia obiektu :
  • dokumentacji budowy i dokumentacji powykonawczej
  • innych dokumentów i dec. dot. obiektu
  • w razie potrzeby - instrukcji obsługi i eksploatacji obiektu, instalacji i urządzeń
  • opracowań projektowych i dokumentów technicznych robót budowlanych wykonywanych w obiekcie w toku jego użytkowania.
  • ob. prowadzenia książki obiektu budowlanego będącej dokumentem przeznaczony do zapisów dot. przeprowadzanych badań i kontroli stanu technicznego, remontów i przebudowy, w okresie użytkowania obiektu budowlanego.

    Uwaga ! Ten ob. nie dot. właścicieli i zarządców budynków mieszkalnych jednorodzinnych oraz obiektów budownictwa zagrodowego i letniskowego.

  • ob. udostępniania książki obiektu budowlanego wraz z załącznikami (protokoły z kontroli, oceny i ekspertyzy) przedstawicielom właściwego organu oraz innych jednostek organizacyjnych i organów upoważnionych do kontroli utrzymania obiektów budowlanych we właściwym stanie technicznym oraz do kontroli przestrzegania przepisów obowiązujących w budownictwie.

    "Właściwy organ" – to organ administracji architektoniczno-budowlanej i nadzoru budowlanego (starosta, wojewoda, Główny Inspektor Nadzoru Budowlanego, powiatowy inspektor nadzoru budowlanego), stosownie do ich właściwości określonej w roz. 8 ustawy Pr. Bud.

  • ob. wykonywania dec. właściwych organów w zakresie : usuwania stwierdzonych nieprawidłowości w stanie technicznym obiektu, rozbiórki obiektu, uporządkowania terenu, opróżnienia obiektu, umieszczenia na budynku zawiadomienia o stanie zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa ludzi lub mienia oraz o zakazie jego użytkowania, wykonania doraźnych zabezpieczeń i usuwania zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa ludzi lub mienia
  • ob. wykonywania ustaleń kontrolnych - w czasie lub bezpośrednio po przeprowadzonej kontroli stanu technicznego obiektu budowlanego – tj. usuwanie stwierdzonych uszkodzeń oraz uzupełnianie braków które mogłyby spowodować zagrożenie życia lub zdrowia ludzi, bezpieczeństwa mienia lub środowiska, a w szczególności katastrofę budowlaną, pożar, wybuch, porażenie prądem elektrycznym albo zatrucie gazem.
  • ob. zgłaszania właściwemu organowi zmiany sposobu użytkowania obiektu budowlanego lub jego części.
  • przez zmianę sposobu użytkowania obiektu budowlanego lub jego części rozumie się w szczególności : podjęcie bądź zaniechanie w obiekcie budowlanym lub jego części działalności zmieniającej warunki: bezpieczeństwa pożarowego, powodziowego, pracy, zdrowotne, higieniczno-sanitarne, ochrony środowiska bądź wielkość lub układ obciążeń.
  • w zgłoszeniu należy określić dotychczasowy i zamierzony sposób użytkowania obiektu budowlanego lub jego części.
  • zgłoszenia należy dokonać przed dokonaniem zmiany sposobu użytkowania obiektu budowlanego lub jego części. Zmiana sposobu użytkowania może nastąpić, jeżeli w terminie 30 dni, od dnia doręczenia zgłoszenia, właściwy organ, nie wniesie sprzeciwu w drodze dec. i nie później niż po upływie 2 lat od doręczenia zgłoszenia.

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Maintenance Supervisors Responsibility

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Administrations architectural:

  1. governor
  2. governor,
  3. Chief Inspector of Building Supervision.

    Supervisors Building:

  4. powiatowy inspektor nadzoru budowlanego ,
  5. wojewoda przy pomocy wojewódzkiego inspektora nadzoru budowlanego,
  6. Podstawowe obowiązki organów administracji architektoniczno-budowlanej i nadzoru budowlanego:

  7. nadzór i kontrola nad przestrzeganiem przepisów pr. budowlanego:
  8. wydawanie dec. administracyjnych w sprawach określonych ustawą,
  9. kontrola posiadania przez persons performing independent technical functions in the construction permissions to perform these functions,
  10. control activities

    Responsibilities of the architectural and building administration:

  11. maintain a register of applications for planning permission and register dec. building permit,
  12. supervisors provide copies of the dec. building permit, to approve the construction project and other dec., resolutions and declarations,
  13. , the call of the construction supervisors involved in activities inspection and control and make available all documents and information related to these activities.

    Responsibilities of the construction supervision:

  14. monitoring of compliance and enforcement pr. construction
  15. operational control authorities architectural,
  16. to study the causes of disasters construction
  17. cooperation with the organs of state control,
  18. prompt transmission of the administration of architecture and building back dec . and provisions under the current rules. construction
  19. keeping records listed in the Act dec., resolutions and declarations,
  20. commenced keeping records and put into use buildings.

    Powers of architectural and building administration and building inspection on the request for information from participants in the construction process:

  21. request from participants in the construction process, the owner or manager of a building, provision of information or documents relating to carrying out the works, the transfer of a building for the use, upkeep and use of the works and providing for release of a construction product on the market or the unit used in building construction (Rule 81C bp),
  22. also building control authorities or individuals acting under their authority have pr. introduction to the works and the construction site and workplace (Article 81a pb)

    Chief Inspector of Building Supervision :

  23. central government authority in matters of architecture and building i nadzoru budowlanego,
  24. organ właściwy w sprawach indywidualnych, rozstrzyganych w drodze postępowania administracyjnego, w zakresie wynikającym z przepisów pr. budowlanego,
  25. jest powoływany (odwoływany) przez Prezesa Rady Ministrów spośród osób należących do państwowego zasobu kadrowego, na wniosek ministra właściwego do spraw budownictwa, gospodarki przestrzennej i mieszkaniowej ,

    Zadania GINB:

  26. organ wyższego stopnia w rozumieniu kpa w stosunku do wojewodów i wojewódzkich inspektorów nadzoru budowlanego oraz sprawuje nadzór nad ich działalnością
  27. kontrola działań organów administracji architektoniczno-budowlanej i nadzoru budowlanego,
  28. prowadzenie centralnych rejestrów osób posiadających uprawnienia budowlane, rzeczoznawców budowlanych, osób ukaranych z tytułu odpowiedzialności zawodowej.

    Główny inspektor wykonuje swoje zadania przy pomocy Głównego Urzędu Nadzoru Budowlanego, którego organizację określa statut nadany w formie rozporządzenia przez Prezesa Rady Ministrów (art. 88b pb)

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Odpowiedzialność wykonawców (podwykonawców) wobec inwestora z tyt. szkód spowodowanych wadliwym wykonaniem robót lub zastos. nieodpowiednich materiałów

  1. pełna odpowiedzialność (oparta na zasadach ogólnych) wykonawcy za powierzony teren budowy i za wszelkie szkody podczas wykonywania prac budowlanych – od chwili przejęcia terenu budowy,
  2. na mocy art. 392 KC wykonawca może zwolnić inwestora od odpowiedzialności wobec osób trzecich za szkody powstałe w związku z prowadzonymi robotami lub w wyniku wad wykonanych prac lub dostarczonych materiałów (umowa może ograniczyć odpowiedzialność odszkodowawczą wykonawcy względem inwestora do wysokości rzeczywistej straty, wyłączając odszkodowanie za utracone korzyści).
  3. do naruszenia obowiązków umowy o roboty budowlane przez wykonawcę stosuje się przepisy o umowie o dzieło , a w szczególności:
  4. art.635 kc - możliwość odstąpienia
    przez inwestora od umowy jeszcze przed upływem terminu do wykonania robót – jeżeli wykonawca opóźnia się z rozpoczęciem robót tak dalece, że nie jest prawdopodobne, żeby zdołał je ukończyć w czasie umówionym
  5. art. 636 kc – możliwość wezwania wykonawcy do zmiany sposobu wykonania i wyznaczenia mu w tym celu odpowiedniego terminu - jeżeli wykonawca wykonuje roboty w sposób wadliwy albo sprzeczny z umową; po bezskutecznym upływie tego terminu inwestor może od umowy odstąpić albo powierzyć poprawienie albo dalsze wykonanie robót innej osobie na koszt i niebezpieczeństwo wykonawcy;

    4. wykonawca odpowiada za wady wykonanego obiektu na zasadzie rękojmi jak przy um. sprzedaży (art. 556 w zw. z 638 KC) – odpowiedzialność ta jest niezależna od winy     wykonawcy i wykazania szkody, którą poniósł inwestor wskutek odebrania wadliwego obiektu, jej główną przesłanką jest wystąpienie wady fizycznej o której inwestor nie     wiedział w wybudowanym i oddanym inwestorowi do użytku obiekcie

    5. inwestor winien zachować należytą staranność w trakcie odbioru i wykazać wszelkie     wady fizyczne obiektu oraz podać termin ich usunięcia; może żądać bezzwłocznego     usunięcia wady przez wykonawcę – to uprawnienie zależy od rodzaju i charakteru     wady

    6. gwarancja dobrego wykonania i terminowego usunięcia usterek – inwestor otrzymuje ją     od wykonawcy,

    7. art. 471 i nast. kc wykonawca jest obowiązany do naprawienia szkody wynikłej z niewykonania lub nienależytego wykonania zobowiązania, chyba że niewykonanie     lub nienależyte wykonanie jest następstwem okoliczności, za które nie ponosi odpowiedzialności.

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